Sunday, February 24, 2008

Jonny Harris moonlights as a trichologist

An actor always needs something to fall back on and while Jonny Harris may play the fool he's no gommel. No sir, he's got it all figured out.

When not on the stage Jonny is a director of the Belgravia Centre and although not a trichologist, has spent much of his time over the past 4 years studying hair loss and scalp problems, the treatments available, and the issues surrounding the hair loss industry.

Hear Jonny Harris' recent podcast interview about hair loss treatments at the following link - HAIR LOSS TREATMENT PODCAST


When not tackling the world's hair loss problems Jonny Harris is a member of the sketch comedy troupe The Dance Party of Newfoundland. For Rattling Books he was one of the narrators (along with the author Joel Thomas Hynes and Sherry White) of Down to the Dirt by Joel Thomas Hynes.

You can download Firebug a Short Fiction Single from Down to the Dirt featuring Jonny Harris from