This photograph of Santa's reindeer and some of Santa's Nelfers (term for Newfoundland elves) was taken in St. Anthony circa 1907.
This photographic slide can be found in the International Grenfell Association Lantern Slides Collection presented online by the Memorial University of Newfoundland’s Digital Archive Initiative (DAI).
This photographic slide can be found in the International Grenfell Association Lantern Slides Collection presented online by the Memorial University of Newfoundland’s Digital Archive Initiative (DAI).
Photographic evidence of Santa's reindeer and Nelfers active in St. Anthony during Wilfred Grenfell's time there suggests that the Grenfell Association may have functioned as a cover for Santa's activities during that period.
Wilfred Grenfell is otherwise best known for being adrift on an ice pan and writing a best selling account of his adventures. That account, Adrift on an Ice Pan, a gripping one with absolutely no mention of Santa, is available as an unabridged audio edition from Rattling Books.