It's a good read all the same, vintage Hynesight. Click here to go to the Times' interview.
According to The Irish Times, Joel Thomas Hynes' favourite piece of his own work is the play Say Nothing, Saw Wood. "It's about a murder that happened in my home town in 1971, and it's told through the eyes of the murderer. Now that was a really controversial thing that I did. Down to the Dirt was one thing. But dragging up that old wound was another thing altogether."
Listen to an excerpt from Rattling Books' unabridged version of Say Nothing, Saw Wood, narrated by the author. Say Nothing, Saw Wood can be purchased from the Rattling Books' web site as a single MP3 download. Follow this link to buy the MP3 CD version, featured on EarLit Shorts 1 (along with fiction from Newfoundland writers Carmelita McGrath and Kathleen Winter).