New book and CD give highlights of March Hare
by: Darrell Squires
The March Hare marked its twentieth anniversary this past winter, and there's a new book, as well as a CD, to mark the occasion.
Appropriately, The March Hare Anthology was released this past March and it's a great collection of works by writers who have participated in this event over the span of its twenty years so far.
"The Hare," which the event has come to be commonly and fondly known, has featured the writing talents of not just local writers, but many writers from around Canada, Ireland and the world.
In short, the March Hare is an extended annual soiréé of music (many of the best of Newfoundland and Labrador's professional musicians take part in it also), poetry and prose, and storytelling.
In keeping with the musical aspect of this annual event, it is wonderful to see joint release of a music CD, simply titled "The Hare," which conveys much of the musical tone, atmosphere, and mood that has imbued the event by turns over the years.
Music selections on the CD share the common thread of being in the traditional vein. But they comprise a varied collection that includes instrumental pieces such as "Dancing" by Lloyd Bartlett, and "Pamela's Lonely Nights" in a medley with "Jim Hodder's Tune", two Emile Benoit compositions performed by the Cow Head Cowboys.
Lovely a cappella pieces include "Lonely Waterloo", performed by Stephanie and Daniel Payne; "Bathing in Winter", performed by Shirley Montague; and "Old Smythe", performed by Linda Slade, Anita Best, and Wilfred Wareham [...]
The March Hare Anthology includes work by Rattling Books authors Michael Crummey, Mary Dalton, Joel Thomas Hynes, Lisa Moore, John Steffler, Agnes Walsh, and Michael Winter; The Hare CD includes a performance by Rattling Books narrator Anita Best.