Bareboards Theatre presents
The St. John's premiere of Marion Bridge by Daniel MacIvor
What is family? Three estranged sisters: a struggling actor, a disillusioned nun, and a social misfit discover an answer when they are brought together at their mother's death bed in this touching contemporary drama. Directed by Varrick Grimes
Featuring Melanie Caines, Deidre Gillard-Rowlings, & Nicole Rousseau /
LSPU Hall, St. John's, Newfoundland
Friday - Sunday, February 16-18 @ 8pmSunday, February 18 @ 2pmPreview Thursday, Feb. 15 @ 8pm ($10)Tickets: $12 adults / $10 students & seniors ***Buy a ticket for yourself, bring your sister for 1/2 price***Sunday's matinee is Pay-What-You-CanCall the Hall @ 753-4531 for tickets(There is a $1 surcharge per ticket for the LSPU Hall building repair fund)