Well we’re back from the eastern seaboard and Agnes and Anita are back from Iceland and we’ll gradually fill you in on it all through this Blog. To start with, the first photo from NYC just arrived in the email from Scott Walden.
Never mind that his core training is in the philosophy of mind and language, with special emphasis on mental causation and mentalistic causal explanation – or perhaps because of that - Scott Walden agreed to be the official photographer for Rattling Books recent foray into New York City with author Joel Thomas Hynes (Down to the Dirt, unabridged MP3 CD, 6.5 hours, Rattling Books 2006) and narrator Margot Dionne (Montreal Stories by Mavis Gallant, unabridged MP3 CD, 11 hours, Rattling Books 2006).
Using his so-not-digital medium format camera Scott captured this shot of Joel Thomas Hynes through the window of Brooklyn’s Pour House enchanting a group of ironworkers and their families, many of them with direct or indirect roots in Newfoundland.
As he develops them we’ll be bringing you more from the lens of Scott’s camera but in the meantime if you want to check him out his homepage is here and his work is represented in Newfoundland by the Christina Parker Gallery.
Scott Walden was most hospitable to us while we were in NYC and we love him mentalistically for it.